Ipsen Street Dental Clinic is a Dentist in Manjimup, WA with dentists including Dr Ol'ga Knurova, Dr Bronwyn Spalding, Dr Alice Johnstone, Dr Bronwyn Smith and Dr William Reidy.
20 Bath Street
Manjimup WA 6258
(08) 9771-2308
(08) 9777-1077
To make an appointment at Ipsen Street Dental Clinic, please call (08) 9771-2308
Dr Ol'ga Knurova is a female General Dentist who speaks Russian (as well as English).
Bronwyn is our principal dentist. She graduated in 2010 with a Bachelor of Dental Science from the University of Western Australia. Bronwyn is honest, upfront and a strong advocate of preventative dentistry. Dentistry...more...