Face to Face Orthodontics is a Dentist in Karrinyup, WA with dentists including Dr Luke Chow and Dr Shelley Greenway.
Unit 3 & 4, Karrinyup Specialist Centre
184 Karrinyup Road
Karrinyup WA 6018
(08) 9446-2313
(08) 9446-7844
To make an appointment at Face to Face Orthodontics, please call (08) 9446-2313
Ms Belinda Bongiovanni is a female Dental Therapist.
Dr Luke Chow is a male Specialist Orthodontist who speaks Cantonese (as well as English).
Dr Luke Chow is a specialist graduate of Orthodontics from the University of Western Australia. He obtained his general dental degree and MSc in Implant Dentistry from the University of Hong Kong. Dr Luke worked exten...more...
Simone must be one of the happiest people we have ever met. There is always a smile on her face and she has that amazing can do attitude.
Graduating from Curtin University in 2005, Simone has worked in various ...more...
Ms Kate Carbone is a female Oral Health Therapist.
Kate graduated from Curtin University in 2014 and since then, has been working as a dental therapist in paediatrics.
For a long time Kate had been looking for an opportunity to embrace working in orthodontics a...more...
Dr Shelley Greenway is a female Specialist Orthodontist.
Dr Shelley Greenway is a graduate of the University of Western Australia where she obtained her BDSc with First Class Honours. She worked for 9 years as a general dentist in both private practice and the public sector...more...