Claremont Dental is a Dentist in Claremont, WA with dentists including Dr Kate Etheridge, Dr Ryan Chu and Dr Dominic Etheridge.
322 Stirling Highway
Claremont WA 6010
(08) 9383-1200
(08) 9383-1200
To make an appointment at Claremont Dental, please call (08) 9383-1200
Please call the number below.
Over the last three decades we’ve been providing cosmetic, general and implant dentistry services to patients all over Perth, we’ve come to learn what’s not working in dental.
Our practice was purposely designed to break down barriers and make you right at home visiting us. You’ll feel it the moment you open the door – a relaxed, casual environment where people can actually connect with one another.
At Claremont Dental you get a personal experience and relaxed atmosphere, with more one-on-one time and treatment individually tailored to you. It’s the little things that make all the difference. Kicking back on a couch together rather than sitting in silence, alone. The relaxing scent of essential oils in our reception and surgeries to calm your nerves. Talking in everyday language without the intimidating jargon. Letting you feel comfortable to open up with us about anything – what hurts, what works, what you’re up to on the weekend. And if you need a little extra help feeling at ease, Dr Dominic is trained in sedation techniques too.
Contact : (08) 9246-2895
Please call the number below.
Mrs Catherine Oliver is a female Oral Health Therapist.
Catherine is an experienced Oral Health Therapist who has been an integral member of our team at Claremont Dental since 2013. She graduated from Dental Therapy in 2006, spent many years focusing on children’s restor...more...
Miss Tara Parkinson is a female Oral Health Therapist.
After graduating from dental nursing in 2011, Tara decided to further her qualifications, graduating from Curtin University in 2014 with a Bachelor of Oral Health Therapy. Tara loves making patients feel comfortable t...more...
After 14 years running her own successful dental practice, Kate has made the decision to join her husband, Dom, at Claremont Dental.
Kate obtained her degree from the University of Dundee in the United Kingdom ...more...
Having experienced dentistry through Dental Assisting, I knew it was a field with much to offer. Working with one of the first registered Dental Hygienists in Victoria inspired me. Australia had one school in Adelaide...more...
Ryan graduated from the University of Melbourne in 2020 and spent the first two years of his career in Melbourne before moving to Perth in early 2023 to embrace the sunny weather and relaxed lifestyle. Though he grew ...more...
Dom has worked exclusively in general practice since graduating from the University of Bristol (UK) in 2004, with all but one year spent right here in beautiful Perth, Western Australia. Through his extensive experien...more...