Byford Dental Centre is a Dentist in Byford, WA with dentists including Dr Debra Ong and Dr Elton Wong.
809 South Western Highway
Byford WA 6122
(08) 9525-0550
(08) 9525-0490
To make an appointment at Byford Dental Centre, please call (08) 9525-0550
Dr Debra Ong has had a strong interest in dentistry from a very young age. After taking the initiative and learning more about dentistry she realised how in depth being a dentist truly is, showing that there is more t...more...
Dr Elton Wong is a male General Dentist who speaks Mandarin (as well as English).
Dr Elton graduated from the University of Western Australia. Like all of our team, Elton undergoes professional development and continuing education courses. By regularly attending, he hopes to master his skills for t...more...