Alkimos Beach Dental Centre


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Alkimos Beach Dental Centre is a Dentist in Alkimos, WA with dentists including Dr Paul Boulos and Dr Alex Ong.

Suite 8
15 Graceful Boulevard

Alkimos WA 6038

(08) 9502-9901

Dentists About

To make an appointment at Alkimos Beach Dental Centre, please call (08) 9502-9901

About Alkimos Beach Dental Centre

At Alkimos Beach Dental Centre our primary aim is to provide you with treatment that is of the highest quality by dental professionals that understand your individual treatment needs. We pride ourselves in creating a warm, friendly environment where you can relax and take comfort in knowing you are in safe hands.

After working as an associate, Dr Boulos took over the Mindarie-Quinns Dental Centre in 2003 and since then it has flourished and has now grown with the foundation of the Alkimos Beach Dental Centre, which opened in September 2017. Our experienced team includes dentist Dr Paul Boulos, Dental Hygienist Ms Jeanette Claxton and Denture Prosthetist Don O'Sullivan.

They are supported by a team of nursing and administrative staff whose objective is to make every aspect of you and your family’s care a positive experience.

Patients are happy to be back for our care.

Our statistics telling us, internal marketing referral is increasing as we are caring and we make sure our dental treatment is the best.

Alkimos Beach Dental Centre is conveniently located on Graceful Boulevard just off Marmion Avenue in Alkimos.

We have been proudly serving the northern suburbs of Perth for many years and have developed a reputation for being a quality practice with a focus on patient care.

The Alkimos Beach Dental Centre team

Dr Paul Boulos Alkimos Beach Dental Centre Alkimos
General Dentist in Alkimos

Dr Paul Boulos is a male General Dentist.

Ms Jeanette Claxton Alkimos Beach Dental Centre Alkimos
Dental Hygienist in Alkimos

Ms Jeanette Claxton is a female Dental Hygienist.

Mr Don O'Sullivan Alkimos Beach Dental Centre Alkimos

Mr Don O'Sullivan is a male Dental Prosthetist.

Dr Alex Ong Alkimos Beach Dental Centre Alkimos
General Dentist in Alkimos

Dr Alex Ong is a male General Dentist.

Born and raised in Sydney, Alex first completed a Bachelor of Oral Health degree at the University of Sydney, qualifying as an Oral Health Hygienist. Spurred on by his studies, Alex developed a passion for dentistry a...more...