Northeast Health Wangaratta Dental Clinic is a Dentist in Wangaratta, VIC with dentists.
NOTE: Treatment at this clinic is subsidised and eligibility criteria applies.
Community Care Centre
12 Clark Street
Wangaratta VIC 3677
(03) 5722-5116
To make an appointment at Northeast Health Wangaratta Dental Clinic, please call (03) 5722-5116
Information regarding treatment available and eligibility for concessional dental care can be found on the website.
Ms Sheridan McAuliffe is a female Dental Therapist.
Miss Ellen Larkin is a female Oral Health Therapist.
Ellen graduated from Charles Sturt University in 2017. Since then she has worked in both public and private sectors and has worked at the Charles Sturt University teaching clinic helping to mentor Oral Health students...more...