Pacific Smiles Dental Narre Warren

Narre Warren South DENTIST

Open · Closes 6:00 pm

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Pacific Smiles Dental Narre Warren is a Dentist in Narre Warren South, VIC with dentists including Dr Nishma Shah, Dr Jatika Kaur, Dr Neha Murudkar, Dr Claudine Demetry, Dr Shivani Bassi, Dr Lisa Chu, Dr Mark Low, Dr Sneha McGee, Dr Chathumi Ranasinghe, Dr Jennifer Nguyen, Dr Mani Jassal, Dr Justin Mathews, Dr Megha Ingle and Dr Yvonne Wang.

Casey Central Shopping Centre
400 Narre Warren-Cranbourne Road

Narre Warren South VIC 3805

(03) 8903-6800


To make an appointment at Pacific Smiles Dental Narre Warren, please call (03) 8903-6800

The Pacific Smiles Dental Narre Warren team

Dr Nishma Shah Pacific Smiles Dental Narre Warren Narre Warren South
General Dentist in Narre Warren South

Dr Nishma Shah is a female General Dentist  who speaks Gujarati and Hindi (as well as English).

Nishma completed her Bachelor of Dental Surgery in 2010 at the top of her class and is certified by Australian Dental Council as a General Dentist. She has a wide variety of local and overseas experience under her bel...more...

Dr Jatika Kaur Pacific Smiles Dental Narre Warren Narre Warren South
General Dentist in Narre Warren South

Dr Jatika Kaur is a female General Dentist  who speaks Hindi and Punjabi (as well as English).

Dr Neha Murudkar Pacific Smiles Dental Narre Warren Narre Warren South
General Dentist in Narre Warren South

Dr Neha Murudkar is a female General Dentist.

Dr Claudine Demetry Pacific Smiles Dental Narre Warren Narre Warren South
General Dentist in Narre Warren South

Dr Claudine Demetry is a female General Dentist  who speaks Arabic (as well as English).

As a dedicated dental professional, Dr Claudine is committed to ensuring optimal oral health for patients of all ages. With a Bachelor degree of Health Sciences In Dentistry/ Masters in Dentistry from La Trobe Univers...more...

Dr Shivani Bassi Pacific Smiles Dental Narre Warren Narre Warren South
General Dentist in Narre Warren South

Dr Shivani Bassi is a female General Dentist  who speaks Hindi and Punjabi (as well as English).

Dr Lisa Chu Pacific Smiles Dental Narre Warren Narre Warren South
General Dentist in Narre Warren South

Dr Lisa Chu is a female General Dentist  who speaks Korean and Mandarin (as well as English).

Dr Lisa completed her degree at Griffith University in 2016. She is passionate about patient care and enjoys helping patients achieve their goals. Dr Lisa focuses on preventative dentistry, and her interests lie in ae...more...

Dr Mark Low Pacific Smiles Dental Narre Warren Narre Warren South
General Dentist in Narre Warren South

Dr Mark Low is a male General Dentist.

Mark completed his BDS (Adelaide) FRACDS (GDP) at the University of Adelaide, where he won the Australia Society of Endodontics prize. Since graduating Mark has had work experience working within the South Australian ...more...

Dr Sneha McGee Pacific Smiles Dental Narre Warren Narre Warren South
General Dentist in Narre Warren South

Dr Sneha McGee is a female General Dentist  who speaks Hindi (as well as English).

Dr Chathumi Ranasinghe Pacific Smiles Dental Narre Warren Narre Warren South
General Dentist in Narre Warren South

Dr Chathumi Ranasinghe is a female General Dentist  who speaks Sinhalese (as well as English).

Dr Jennifer Nguyen Pacific Smiles Dental Narre Warren Narre Warren South
in Narre Warren South

Dr Jennifer Nguyen is a female .

Dr Mani Jassal Pacific Smiles Dental Narre Warren Narre Warren South
General Dentist in Narre Warren South

Dr Mani Jassal is a female General Dentist  who speaks Hindi, Punjabi and Urdu (as well as English).

Dr Justin Mathews Pacific Smiles Dental Narre Warren Narre Warren South
General Dentist in Narre Warren South

Dr Justin Mathews is a male General Dentist  who speaks Hindi, Malayalam and Tamil (as well as English).

Dr Justin completed his Master of Dentistry with La Trobe University in Bendigo. He is a proud local dentist, who had grown up and completed his high school in Endeavour Hills. Having had braces in high school, Dr Jus...more...

Dr Megha Ingle Pacific Smiles Dental Narre Warren Narre Warren South
General Dentist in Narre Warren South

Dr Megha Ingle is a female General Dentist  who speaks Hindi and Marathi (as well as English).

Dr Yvonne Wang Pacific Smiles Dental Narre Warren Narre Warren South
General Dentist in Narre Warren South

Dr Yvonne Wang is a female General Dentist  who speaks Mandarin (as well as English).