Your New Dentist - Mooroolbark is a Dentist in Mooroolbark, VIC with dentists including Dr Monica O'Malley.
124 Manchester Road
Mooroolbark VIC 3138
(03) 9727-1914
To make an appointment at Your New Dentist - Mooroolbark, please call (03) 9727-1914
Our practice is wheelchair accessible (i.e. there is a smooth line of travel from the street to the dental chair). We have wheelchair accessible restrooms.
Our practice is wheelchair accessible (i.e. there is a smooth line of travel from the street to the dental chair). We have wheelchair accessible restrooms.
Mrs Kat Rigg is a female Oral Health Therapist who speaks Auslan (as well as English).
Kat was interested in pursuing a career in dentistry as she wanted to ease patients’ anxiety that they previously had. She has been working in the field since 2003. “The most fulfilling aspect of my job at the pra...more...
Monica has over 22 years dental industry experience and completed her Bachelor of Dentistry (Honours) at Sydney University in 2003. Monica also holds a Master of Health Science Education (Sydney) and has held Univer...more...