Metro Dental Melbourne is a Dentist in Melbourne, VIC with dentists including Dr Jolene Chapman, Dr Mira Wilkinson, Dr Bronnie Abbott and Dr Yea Lee Shu.
Level 6, Druids House
407 Swanston Street
Melbourne VIC 3000
(03) 9671-4746
To make an appointment at Metro Dental Melbourne, please call (03) 9671-4746
Dr Jolene Chapman is a female Specialist Prosthodontist.
Dr Jolene Chapman is a specialist prosthodontist. She has extensive experience in the management of complex clinical cases, including restoration of dentitions severely damaged due to dental decay, tooth wear and trau...more...
Dr Mira Wilkinson has practiced at Metro Dental for 23 years. Mira has a very loyal patient following which can be attributed to her gentle, friendly nature. Mira is a firm believer in further education and attends numer...more...
Dr Bronnie Abbott is a female General Dentist who speaks Italian (as well as English).
Bronnie graduated with a Bachelor of Dentistry (Honours) from the University of Sydney. She enjoys all facets of dentistry, in particular working with children, general restorative (fillings), and prosthodontics (crowns/...more...
Dr Yea Lee Shu is a female General Dentist who speaks Malay and Mandarin (as well as English).
Dr Yea Lee graduated from the University of Adelaide in 2009 and has been doing regular locum dental shifts all across Australia over the past 12 years! She loves the challenge and opportunity to bring her expertise i...more...