National Dental Care Keilor is a Dentist in Keilor, VIC with dentists including Dr Dona Nguyen, Dr Andrew Chan, Dr Nasr Bachawaty, Dr Rangoli Agrawal, Dr Izzy Azzam and Dr Ryan Shiu.
882 Old Calder Highway
Keilor VIC 3036
(03) 9449-1211
(03) 9449-1311
To make an appointment at National Dental Care Keilor, please call (03) 9449-1211
Dr Dona Nguyen is a female General Dentist who speaks Vietnamese (as well as English).
Dr Dona graduated from the University of Adelaide with a Bachelor of Dental Surgery in 2015. Originally from Sydney, she made the move to Melbourne due to its fine food and coffee culture. Dona enjoys all areas of gen...more...
Dr Andrew Chan is a male General Dentist who speaks Burmese (as well as English).
I graduated from the University of Queensland with a Bachelor of Surgery (Hons). I have worked on the Sunshine Coast and in Hervey Bay in Queensland before relocating to Melbourne and joining the National Dental Care ...more...
Ms Diveena Saji is a female Oral Health Therapist who speaks Malayalam (as well as English).
Diveena graduated from the Latrobe University with a Bachelor of Oral Health Science. She has since worked in both private and public clinics in Bendigo, Shepparton, Maryborough and Melbourne before joining the wonder...more...
Dr Nasr Bachawaty is a male General Dentist who speaks Arabic and French (as well as English).
I graduated from the University of St Joseph in Lebanon in 1998, with a Bachelor of Dentistry. In my career, I have worked in my own clinic and private sector clinics. I relocated permanently to Australia in 2009, whe...more...
Ms Hannah Trifunovic is a female Oral Health Therapist.
Hannah graduated from the University of Melbourne with a Bachelor of Oral Health, and she has worked in General Dental and Orthodontic practice. Hannah is also an Orofacial Myologist - trained to look beyond the teeth...more...
Dr Rangoli Agrawal completed her dental education in Victoria and graduated with a Masters in Clinical Dentistry. Upon graduating, she was selected to partake in a year-long program, which focused on the development o...more...
Dr Izzy Azzam is a male General Dentist who speaks Arabic (as well as English).
Since graduating from the La Trobe University in Bendigo, I have undertaken further training in Invisalign treatment and currently in the process of becoming a member of the Royal Australian College of Dental Surgeons...more...
Dr Ryan Shiu is a male General Dentist who speaks Cantonese (as well as English).
Originally Canadian born, Dr Ryan Shiu completed his dentistry training at the University of Queensland in 2008. He commenced his career at a government hospital where he gained strong foundations in all aspects of ge...more...