Pedram Dental Clinic

Dandenong DENTIST

Open · Closes 6:00 pm

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Pedram Dental Clinic is a Dentist in Dandenong, VIC with dentists including Dr Vahid Pedram, Dr Nava Pedram, Dr Saeid Pedram and Dr Sally Hashemi.

Dandenong Medical Centre
176 Lonsdale Street

Dandenong VIC 3175

03 8774-7871


To make an appointment at Pedram Dental Clinic, please call 03 8774-7871

The Pedram Dental Clinic team

Dr Vahid Pedram Pedram Dental Clinic Dandenong
General Dentist in Dandenong

Dr Vahid Pedram is a male General Dentist  who speaks Azerbaijani and Farsi (as well as English).

Dr Vahid Pedram is the founder and leading Pedram Dental Group as its chief executive officer. Dr Vahid is a valued member of our patient care team, he is thorough doing compassionate. In his free times, he is a great...more...

Dr Nava Pedram Pedram Dental Clinic Dandenong
General Dentist in Dandenong

Dr Nava Pedram is a female General Dentist  who speaks Farsi (as well as English).

Dr Nava is one of our dentists active in treating and addressing various dental and related issues. She is focused on preventive dentistry and cares for quality.

Dr Saeid Pedram Pedram Dental Clinic Dandenong
General Dentist in Dandenong

Dr Saeid Pedram is a male General Dentist.

Dr Saeid Pedram graduated in 2005 with a bachelor of dental science. Since then he has trained in many areas of advanced dentistry. Dr Saeid has worked in both public and private practices where he has accumulated a v...more...

Dr Sally Hashemi Pedram Dental Clinic Dandenong

Dr Sally Hashemi is a registered specialist prosthodontist with more than 10 years experience. Sally is extremely passionate about excellence in dentistry. She is experienced in treating some of the most difficult cas...more...