Hearts Dental is a Dentist in Blackburn, VIC with dentists including Dr Ngoc Dang, Dr Qing Guo and Dr Xiao Xuan Zhao.
500 Middleborough Road
Blackburn VIC 3130
(03) 9978-4869
To make an appointment at Hearts Dental, please call (03) 9978-4869
Dr Ngoc Dang is a female General Dentist who speaks Vietnamese (as well as English).
Ngoc is an honest, caring and experienced dentist, who has worked within private practices in Melbourne for over a decade. She takes pride in her calm, warm and no-pressure approach to dentistry, in order to ensure an...more...
Dr Qing Guo is a female General Dentist who speaks Mandarin (as well as English).
Dr Xiao Xuan Zhao is a female General Dentist who speaks Mandarin (as well as English).