Black Rock Dental is a Dentist in Black Rock, VIC with dentists including Dr Claudia Beltran Aya, Dr Michael Letham, Dr Mihir Hargovan and Dr Magdalena Koy.
30 Bluff Road
Black Rock VIC 3193
(03) 9589-2729
To make an appointment at Black Rock Dental, please call (03) 9589-2729
Dr Claudia Beltran Aya is a female General Dentist who speaks Spanish (as well as English).
Dentistry ADC Certificate (Australia), Grad Dip Dent Implants (Australia), Bachelor of Dentistry BDS (Colombia), Specialist in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (Colombia).
Dr Claudia Beltran qualified as a Specia...more...
Mike established Bayside Smiles in 2006 with his wife and fellow dentist, Magda. He graduated from Sydney University in 2000 with Honours, receiving the R Morse Withycombe Prize for Proficiency in Clinical Periodontic...more...
Born and raised in Melbourne, Mihir graduated with honours from the University of Melbourne in 2011. After completing his studies, he moved to regional Victoria, where he has had extensive experience in both public an...more...
Dr Magdalena Koy is a female General Dentist who speaks Polish (as well as English).
Magda grew up in Bayside, Melbourne and attended Star of the Sea and MacRobertson Girls High School. Magda then studied dentistry at the University of Sydney, graduating in 2000 with honours and receiving the medal fo...more...