Melbourne Periodontal Specialists is a Dentist in Balwyn, VIC with dentists including Dr Benedicta Wong, A/Prof Stephen Chen and Dr Shayne Callis.
223 Whitehorse Road
Balwyn VIC 3103
(03) 9817-6055
(03) 9817-6122
To make an appointment at Melbourne Periodontal Specialists, please call (03) 9817-6055
Dr Benedicta Wong is a female Specialist Periodontist.
Dr Benedicta Wong completed her Certificate in Oral Implantology from the University of Frankfurt in 2008 and completed her specialist training in Periodontics at the University of Melbourne in 2013.
Dr Benedi...more...
A/Prof Stephen Chen is a male Specialist Periodontist.
Stephen Chen is a periodontist in private practice in Melbourne, Australia. He is also a Senior Fellow in the Department of Periodontology at the University of Melbourne. Stephen Chen graduated from Melbourne Universi...more...
Dr Shayne Callis is a male Specialist Periodontist who speaks Afrikaans (as well as English).