Dental Above is a Dentist in Balwyn North, VIC with dentists including Dr Racheal Yong and Dr Pei-Lin Chong.
247 Doncaster Road
Balwyn North VIC 3104
(03) 9857-8979
(03) 9816-4224
To make an appointment at Dental Above, please call (03) 9857-8979
Dr Racheal Yong is a female General Dentist who speaks Cantonese (as well as English).
Racheal has worked as a dentist in Bulleen, Bundoora, Doncaster and Essendon since 2009. Having graduated from the University of Melbourne, Racheal worked in a private practice in Bairnsdale, East Gippsland before ret...more...
Pei has worked as a dentist in rural Victoria and metropolitan Melbourne since 2009 after graduating from the University of Melbourne. She continues to work part time in a private practice in Shepparton. Pei has previ...more...