Thomas Dental is a Dentist in Manunda, QLD with dentists including Dr Carmen Manzie, Dr Amanda Hales and Dr John Thomas.
Shop 2
146 Anderson Street
Manunda QLD 4870
(07) 4032-0111
(07) 4053-2163
To make an appointment at Thomas Dental, please call (07) 4032-0111
Dr Manzie has lived a Life of Dentistry; Working with her Dad in his own Dental Practice on Bribee Island at a young age.
Dr Hales is a Full-Time Lecturer to the Dental Students at James Cook University and sees Private Patients at two afternoons a week.
Mr Aldo Ricardi Cotrado is a male Dental Hygienist.
Aldo has extensive training in Periodontics and Orthodontics. He is known by the team and his many Patients as the ‘Gentle Peruvian’.
Dr John Thomas is Thomas Dental’s Principle Dentist and Owner. John has been running his own Practice for over 15 years now. Dr Thomas is well known in the local community and we receive referrals daily from new pat...more...