MB Orthodontics is a Dentist in Modbury North, SA with dentists including Dr Trudy Stewart and Dr Melinda Barva.
Suite 6
245 Milne Road
Modbury North SA 5092
(08) 8265-4977
(08) 8395-3333
To make an appointment at MB Orthodontics, please call (08) 8265-4977
Ms Alexandra Robertson is a female Oral Health Therapist.
Dr Trudy Stewart is a female Specialist Orthodontist.
Dr Stewart grew up in country Queensland and initially studied a Bachelor of Occupational Therapy. She returned to university and completed her Bachelor of Dental Surgery through the University of Adelaide in 2004. Dr...more...
Ms Susan Hornibrook is a female Dental Hygienist.
Dr Melinda Barva is a female Specialist Orthodontist who speaks Hungarian (as well as English).
Dr Melinda Barva established MB Orthodontics and has for almost 20 years been providing her patients with exceptional, comprehensive orthodontic care.
She graduated equal first in her Bachelor of Dental Surger...more...