Maylands Dental is a Dentist in Maylands, SA with dentists including Dr Lorraine Thomson, Dr Ashleigh Thomson and Dr Michael Ketteridge.
3/223 Magill Road
Maylands SA 5069
(08) 8132-0621
(08) 8132-0613
To make an appointment at Maylands Dental, please call (08) 8132-0621
Dr Lorraine Thomson is a female General Dentist who speaks Cantonese (as well as English).
Dr Lorraine Thomson graduated from the University of Adelaide in 2003. She then completed a Graduate Certificate in Clinical Dentistry. She has practiced in Adelaide in the last 16 years, and has a keen interest in th...more...
Dr Ashleigh Thomson graduated from the University of Adelaide in 2004, and has had extensive experience in private practice in the last 15 years. His interests are implants surgery/restoration, 3D imaging, comprehensi...more...