Incredible Smiles Hillcrest is a Dentist in Hillcrest, SA with dentists including Dr Sunila Sharma.
Level 1, Shop 5
483 North East Road
Hillcrest SA 5086
To make an appointment at Incredible Smiles Hillcrest, please call 1800-ISMILE
As a modern family dental practice serving, Incredible Smiles is passionately committed to providing patients with comprehensive dental care of the highest calibre. The husband and wife team of Dr Anisha Sanghavi and Dr Mitesh Sanghavi provide patients with the modern, comfortable care they can trust. Along with their team, they deliver exceptional care to help optimise the health of their patients as well as enhance their smiles.
Dr Sunila Sharma is a female General Dentist who speaks Hindi and Punjabi (as well as English).
“In 2003, when I stumbled into this unique world of dentistry, I had no idea what an incredibly intimate profession I have stepped into. It’s so amazing to focus on the part of the body that influences one’s con...more...