Ozone Dental in Hackney is a Dentist in Hackney, SA with dentists including Dr Vanessa Platt and Dr Simon Briggs.
Level 3, North Terrace House
19 North Terrace
Hackney SA 5069
(08) 8362-3744
(08) 8362-9766
To make an appointment at Ozone Dental in Hackney, please call (08) 8362-3744
Dr Platt qualified at Kings College in London in 2002 and worked in private practices in Cambridgeshire and Norfolk, practicing private and National Health Service dentistry before immigrating to Australia in 2005. Dr...more...
Dr Briggs qualified at the London Hospital in 1987 and worked in a National Health Service, private dental practice in the Midlands of England for a year. In early 1989 he immigrated to Australia to join a totally non...more...