Brooklyn Park Dental & Cosmetic is a Dentist in Brooklyn Park, SA with dentists including Dr Tony Monaco.
327 Henley Beach Road
Brooklyn Park SA 5032
(08) 8352-7193
(08) 8352-1601
To make an appointment at Brooklyn Park Dental & Cosmetic, please call (08) 8352-7193
Ms Haroula Manolas is a female Oral Health Therapist.
Our Oral Health Therapist is another essential part of the dental team.
Haroula graduated in 2016 with a Bachelor of Oral Health, having a dual qualification as a Dental Therapist and Hygienist.
She has ...more...
Ms Sara Harb is a female Oral Health Therapist who speaks Arabic (as well as English).
Ms Steffany Kwok is a female Oral Health Therapist who speaks Cantonese and Mandarin (as well as English).