RS Dental Rockdale is a Dentist in Rockdale, NSW with dentists including Dr Sushma Gopalakrishnan, Dr Philip Liang, Dr Alan Kwong, Dr Heba Skaros, Dr Robert Selvaraj and Dr Stephen MacMahon.
Southern Jewel, Shop 1
639-641 Princes Hwy
Rockdale NSW 2216
(02) 9599-4899
(02) 9599-4822
To make an appointment at RS Dental Rockdale, please call (02) 9599-4899
Dr Sushma Gopalakrishnan is a female General Dentist.
Dr Alan Kwong is a male General Dentist who speaks Cantonese (as well as English).
Dr Kwong was born and raised in Sydney, completing both his Bachelor of Dentistry and Masters of Implantology from the prestigious Sydney University. Dr Kwong is a general dentist with special interests and expertise ...more...
Dr Heba Skaros takes a gentle and friendly approach to dentistry. She is passionate and truly loves what she does. Dr Skaros began her dental career at the University of Sydney where she graduated with honours. She is...more...