Barrett Dental is a Dentist in Manly West, QLD with dentists including Dr Valentina Belonogoff and Dr Antony Barrett.
172 Preston Road
Manly West QLD 4179
(07) 3396-2985
(07) 3348-2055
To make an appointment at Barrett Dental, please call (07) 3396-2985
Dr Valentina Belonogoff is a female General Dentist who speaks Russian (as well as English).
Dr Belonogoff graduated with a Bachelor of Dental Science from the University of Queensland. An enthusiastic Dr Belonogoff loves her chosen profession and works hard to cater to individual patient needs. She has a very g...more...
Dr Barrett graduated with a Bachelor of Dental Science from the University of Queensland in 1984. Shortly after graduation he and his wife Sue relocated to London where he practiced dentistry for a number of years. When...more...