Arch Dental is a Dentist in Mackay, QLD with dentists including Dr Mai Patil, Dr Nagesh Meharwade and Dr Ranjan Chauhan.
Shop 1, Gas Works Shopping Centre
137 Shakespeare Street
Mackay QLD 4740
(07) 4951-0051
To make an appointment at Arch Dental, please call (07) 4951-0051
Dr Mai Patil is a female General Dentist who speaks Hindi and Kannada (as well as English).
Dr Mai completed her Bachelor and Master in Dental Surgery at Universities in India.
After obtaining her qualification from Australian Dental Council, she practiced dentistry at a private dental surgery in Mack...more...
Dr Nagesh Meharwade is a male General Dentist who speaks Hindi (as well as English).
Dr Nagesh graduated in 2007, moved to Australia in 2009 has been in Mackay serving dentistry to the community since then. He is an active member of the Australian dental Association, has a wide range of experience fro...more...
Dr Ranjan Chauhan is a male General Dentist who speaks Hindi (as well as English).