Pacific Smiles Dental Manuka

Griffith DENTIST

Open · Closes 6:00 pm

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Pacific Smiles Dental Manuka is a Dentist in Griffith, ACT with dentists including Dr Thais Corby, Dr Manahil Khan, Dr Astha Neupane, Dr Stephany Barrera Sarmiento, Dr Liam Fingleton and Dr Colin Morrison.

Manuka Shopping Precinct
18 Flinders Way

Griffith ACT 2603

(02) 6219-7400

(02) 6260-6499


To make an appointment at Pacific Smiles Dental Manuka, please call (02) 6219-7400

Facilities for the Disabled

Our practice is wheelchair accessible (i.e. there is a smooth line of travel from the street to the dental chair).

About Pacific Smiles Dental Manuka

- Emergency Appointments Available

- Caring and Gentle
- Family and Cosmetic Dentistry
- Dentures and Custom =-Made Mouth Guards
- Maximum Health Fund Rebates
- Medicare Funded Dental Care for Eligible Patients
- Veterans' Affairs

Facilities for the Disabled

Our practice is wheelchair accessible (i.e. there is a smooth line of travel from the street to the dental chair).

The Pacific Smiles Dental Manuka team

Dr Thais Corby Pacific Smiles Dental Manuka Griffith
General Dentist in Griffith

Dr Thais Corby is a female General Dentist  who speaks Portuguese (as well as English).

Dr Manahil Khan Pacific Smiles Dental Manuka Griffith
General Dentist in Griffith

Dr Manahil Khan is a female General Dentist  who speaks Pashto and Urdu (as well as English).

Dr Astha Neupane Pacific Smiles Dental Manuka Griffith
General Dentist in Griffith

Dr Astha Neupane is a female General Dentist  who speaks Nepali (as well as English).

Dr Astha Neupane has been in practicing in private Dental practices for over 10 years. Dr Astha prides herself on communicating effectively, gentle Dentistry and positive outcomes for all of her patients.

Dr Stephany Barrera Sarmiento Pacific Smiles Dental Manuka Griffith
General Dentist in Griffith

Dr Stephany Barrera Sarmiento is a female General Dentist.

Dr Liam Fingleton Pacific Smiles Dental Manuka Griffith
General Dentist in Griffith

Dr Liam Fingleton is a male General Dentist.

Dr Liam was born in Bathurst in country NSW, and practiced rurally prior to relocating to Canberra in 2020.

He is passionate about providing gentle, high quality dental treatment to all of his patients.


Dr Colin Morrison Pacific Smiles Dental Manuka Griffith
General Dentist in Griffith

Dr Colin Morrison is a male General Dentist.