Tweed District Dental

Tweed Heads South DENTIST

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Tweed District Dental is a Dentist in Tweed Heads South, NSW with dentists including Dr Vanessa Ribas Ferreira Schneider, Dr Jae Sik Son, Dr Demetrio Pina Neto and Dr Riyon Choi.

Unit 3
91-97 Minjungbal Drive

Tweed Heads South NSW 2486

(07) 5513-0900

(07) 5513-0999


To make an appointment at Tweed District Dental, please call (07) 5513-0900

The Tweed District Dental team

Dr Vanessa Ribas Ferreira Schneider Tweed District Dental Tweed Heads South
General Dentist in Tweed Heads South

Dr Vanessa Ribas Ferreira Schneider is a female General Dentist  who speaks Portuguese (as well as English).

Vanessa was born in Brazil and had her own dental practice there for many years before relocating with her family to the Gold Coast. She has spent her time here in Australia in private practice and as a supervisor and...more...

Ms Pia Nevins Tweed District Dental Tweed Heads South
Oral Health Therapist in Tweed Heads South

Ms Pia Nevins is a female Oral Health Therapist.

Pia has a passion for children and eliminating dental fears and has a natural knack of treating kids with ease. Pia has been seeing kids for their dentistry needs here at TDD for the past 4 years and has families comi...more...

Dr Jae Sik Son Tweed District Dental Tweed Heads South
General Dentist in Tweed Heads South

Dr Jae Sik Son is a male General Dentist  who speaks Adyghe and Korean (as well as English).

Dr Jae completed his studies in dentistry at Griffith University (QLD. Australia). Dr Jae received awards for Academic excellence over 3 consecutive years. Previously, he graduated with a degree in Biomedical science...more...

Mrs Danielle Kelly Tweed District Dental Tweed Heads South
Oral Health Therapist in Tweed Heads South

Mrs Danielle Kelly is a female Oral Health Therapist.

Dr Demetrio Pina Neto Tweed District Dental Tweed Heads South
General Dentist in Tweed Heads South

Dr Demetrio Pina Neto is a male General Dentist  who speaks Portuguese (as well as English).

Dr Riyon Choi Tweed District Dental Tweed Heads South
General Dentist in Tweed Heads South

Dr Riyon Choi is a female General Dentist  who speaks Korean (as well as English).

Dr Riyon Choi came to Australia when she was 11 years of age. She’s a fluent speaker of Korean and English. She completed both a Bachelor of Oral Health in Dental Science and a Graduate Diploma of Dentistry from Gri...more...