Sydney Perio is a Dentist in Sydney, NSW with dentists including Dr Sal Shahidi, Dr Jessica O'Neill, Dr Anand Prabhu, Dr Tuan Dao and Dr Luke Villata.
Level 6
64 Castlereagh Street
Sydney NSW 2000
(02) 9232-6892
(02) 9221-2366
To make an appointment at Sydney Perio, please call (02) 9232-6892
Dr Sal Shahidi is a male Specialist Periodontist who speaks Persian (as well as English).
Dr Sal Shahidi obtained a Bachelor of Medical Science, from the University of Sydney in 2002 prior to completing a Bachelor of Dentistry with Honours in 2006. In 2010 he was admitted as a Fellow of the prestigious Roy...more...
Dr Jessica O'Neill is a female Specialist Periodontist.
Dr Jessica O'Neil graduated as a dentist in 2002 from the University of Sydney and spent the next two years gaining valuable experience in a large teaching hospital before heading to England. She worked in the UK for 2 y...more...
Dr Anand Prabhu is a male Specialist Periodontist.
Anand has been practicing as a Specialist Periodontist since 2007 and has been working in Newcastle since 2009. He also practices at Castlereagh Street in Sydney CBD.
Anand was born and grew up in Sydney and wh...more...
Dr Tuan Dao is a registered dental specialist in the field of Prosthodontics in New South Wales. He graduated from the University of Sydney in 2003 receiving a Bachelor of Dental Surgery with Honours. Dr Dao then work...more...
Dr Luke Villata is a male Specialist Periodontist who speaks Italian (as well as English).
Dr Luke Villata graduated in dentistry from the University of Sydney in 1984 and worked in private practice for 2 years before heading to London. He worked in London until 1993 when he moved to Aarhus, Denmark to study P...more...