Krown Dental is a Dentist in Merrylands, NSW with dentists including Dr Elda Tabourian-Hanna, Dr Elias Dagher and Dr Mark El Tenn OAM.
Suite 1a
197-199 Merrylands Road
Merrylands NSW 2160
(02) 9637-2488
(02) 9637-2041
To make an appointment at Krown Dental, please call (02) 9637-2488
Dr Elda Tabourian-Hanna is a female General Dentist who speaks Arabic and French (as well as English).
Dr Elda has been a dentist for over 20 years, she comes from a family of dentists, with her grandfather, father and brother all dentists.
She is both a registered Dentist and Dental hygienist, she graduated f...more...
Dr Elias Dagher is a male General Dentist who speaks Arabic and French (as well as English).
Dr Elias Dagher graduated in 1984 from St Joseph’s University, Beirut. He ran his own practice for 21 years and moved to Australia in 2005, passing the ADC exam in 2007. Dr Dagher has worked around Australia in rura...more...
Dr I.M El Tenn is a graduate of St Joseph University (1987) and The University of Sydney (1992). He was awarded the Campbell Harry Graham Prize in Prosthetic Dentistry from The University of Sydney in 1992. He has a p...more...