Dentaland is a Dentist in Manly, NSW with dentists including Dr Kevin Wijaya and Dr Omid Allan.
Suite 18, Level 2
22 Darley Road
Manly NSW 2095
(02) 9977-5377
(02) 9977-7331
To make an appointment at Dentaland, please call (02) 9977-5377
Dr Kevin Wijaya is a male General Dentist who speaks Hokkien and Indonesian (as well as English).
Dr Kevin prides himself not only on his workmanship but on his clear communication and patient care. Our patients recognise that he first guides them on a journey of discovery and co-diagnosis to identify their desire...more...
Dr Omid Allan is a highly educated, skilled and experienced Dentist with special interests in Dental Implants and Aesthetic Dentistry. He has been practicing dentistry since 1996 and been involved in implant dentistr...more...