Maitland Orthodontics is a Dentist in Maitland, NSW with dentists including Dr Hong-An Nguyen and Dr David Harrison.
58 Church Street
Maitland NSW 2320
(02) 4934-1398
(02) 4934-2509
To make an appointment at Maitland Orthodontics, please call (02) 4934-1398
Dr Hong-An Nguyen is a female Specialist Orthodontist.
Hong-An has over 30 years of experience in dentistry. She graduated from the University of Adelaide in 1987 with a Bachelor of Dental Surgery and went on to spend her first year working in Wagga Wagga Base Hospital wh...more...
Dr David Harrison is a male Specialist Orthodontist.
David qualified from the University of Sydney in 1981 with a Bachelor of Dental Surgery. He spent 10 years working as a general dentist in both the public and private sector before graduating with a Master of Dental S...more...