Integrity Dental


Closed · Opens at 09:00 am Monday

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Integrity Dental is a Dentist in Dural, NSW with dentists including Dr Ashima Gupta, Dr Mohammed Calcuttawala and Dr Laurie Kobler.

Cnr Kenthurst Road and Maple Street

Dural NSW 2158

(02) 9651-4488

(02) 9651-4555


To make an appointment at Integrity Dental, please call (02) 9651-4488

The Integrity Dental team

Dr Ashima Gupta Integrity Dental Dural

Dr Ashima Gupta is a female General Dentist.

Ashima graduated (India) in 2003 and has been registered with the Australian Dental Board since 2009.

Her interest in creating beautiful smiles motivated her to choose dentistry as a career. She is passionate a...more...

Ms Juliana Alam Integrity Dental Dural

Ms Juliana Alam is a female Dental Hygienist.

Dr Mohammed Calcuttawala Integrity Dental Dural

Dr Mohammed Calcuttawala is a male General Dentist.

Dr Laurie Kobler Integrity Dental Dural

Dr Laurie Kobler is a male General Dentist.

Dr Laurie Kobler has been practicing as a general dentist for over 35 yrs. He brings a wealth of experience in all areas of clinical dentistry to our team. His areas of special interest include aesthetic dentistry as ...more...

Ms Yolanda Tanpascual-Li Integrity Dental Dural

Ms Yolanda Tanpascual-Li is a female Dental Hygienist.

Yolanda has been working in the dental field for more than thirteen years in Manila, the Philippines, before moving to Australia. She graduated from the Dental Hygiene course in Adelaide in 2003 and has been thoroughl...more...