Specialist Periodontists is a Dentist in Castle Hill, NSW with dentists including Dr Eric Saacks, Dr Max Pagni and Dr Anthony Sved.
15 Crane Road
Castle Hill NSW 2154
(02) 8850-3099
(02) 8850-2755
To make an appointment at Specialist Periodontists, please call (02) 8850-3099
Dr Eric Saacks is a male Specialist Orthodontist and Specialist Periodontist.
With 25 years orthodontics experience in the USA and Australia, Dr Eric Saacks is trained in both orthodontics and periodontics. This positions Dr Saacks as a leading authority in specialty orthodontics and one of a s...more...
Dr Max Pagni is a male Specialist Periodontist who speaks Italian (as well as English).
Dr Anthony Sved is a male Specialist Periodontist.