Northern Beaches Orthodontics is a Dentist in Dee Why, NSW with dentists including Dr Jenkin Chiu and Dr John Martin.
Suite 201, Level 2
7 Oaks Avenue
Dee Why NSW 2099
(02) 9981-3060
To make an appointment at Northern Beaches Orthodontics, please call (02) 9981-3060
Dr Jenkin Chiu is a male Specialist Orthodontist who speaks Cantonese (as well as English).
Jenkin was born in Hong Kong and settled in Australia as a toddler. When he completed schooling at Sydney Grammar School, he was accepted with a Melbourne National Scholarship to study Dentistry at the University of M...more...
After completing his schooling John entered the Faculty of Dentistry and graduated with a Bachelor of Dental Science from the University of Sydney in 1973. For the next five years John worked in general practice in bo...more...