North Terrace Endodontics is a Dentist in Adelaide, SA with dentists including Dr Lawrence Alvino, Dr Ian Trantor and Dr Barbara Plutzer.
Level 4, Bagot House
198 North Terrace
Adelaide SA 5000
(08) 8223-1093
(08) 8232-4553
To make an appointment at North Terrace Endodontics, please call (08) 8223-1093
Dr Lawrence Alvino is a male Specialist Endodontist who speaks Mandarin (as well as English).
Dr Alvino completed his Bachelor of Dental Science at Griffith University in Queensland in 2015, after which he returned to his hometown of Adelaide.
After working in metropolitan Adelaide as a general dentist ...more...
Dr Trantor graduated with a Bachelor of Dental Surgery ( B.D.S ) from the University of Sydney in 1986. Ian was a General Dentist with the Royal Australian Air Force ( RAAF ) until 1998. During his time in the RAAF,...more...
Dr Barbara Plutzer is a female Specialist Endodontist.
Dr Plutzer completed her post-graduate training in Endodontics in 2009 at the University of Adelaide, after working in general dental practice for over 7 years. General dentistry allowed her to travel and work in regi...more...