North Brisbane Dental Clinic

Wooloowin DENTIST

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North Brisbane Dental Clinic is a Dentist in Wooloowin, QLD with dentists including Dr Brodie Hawker, Dr Louise Mccallum, Dr Andrew Liaw, Dr Sabrina Akl, Dr Kirstie Malley, Dr Seerat Sawhney and Dr Georgia Sheahan.

18 Kedron Park Road

Wooloowin QLD 4030

(07) 3632-8100

(07) 3861-1627


To make an appointment at North Brisbane Dental Clinic, please call (07) 3632-8100

The North Brisbane Dental Clinic team

Dr Brodie Hawker North Brisbane Dental Clinic Wooloowin
General Dentist in Wooloowin

Dr Brodie Hawker is a female General Dentist.

Dr Brodie Hill graduated from Griffith University in 2012, and joined the team at North Brisbane Dental Clinic after spending five years working in private practice in Melbourne.

After sipping more coffees than...more...

Dr Louise Mccallum North Brisbane Dental Clinic Wooloowin
General Dentist in Wooloowin

Dr Louise Mccallum is a female General Dentist.

Given Louise spends a large portion of her spare time clinging to the sides of mountains, and running for kilometres on end for no particular reason, we are glad she took the time to seek us out, and then join our tea...more...

Dr Andrew Liaw North Brisbane Dental Clinic Wooloowin

After completing his undergraduate degree at James Cook University in Cairns, Andrew decided to escape the humidity and relocate across the country to frosty Tasmania, working in both public and private practice. Sinc...more...

Dr Sabrina Akl North Brisbane Dental Clinic Wooloowin
General Dentist in Wooloowin

Dr Sabrina Akl is a female General Dentist.

After completing her Bachelor of Dental Surgery at James Cook University in Cairns, Sabrina returned home for work, to be with her family and friends. She understands that visiting the dentist can make you feel anxiou...more...

Dr Kirstie Malley North Brisbane Dental Clinic Wooloowin
General Dentist in Wooloowin

Dr Kirstie Malley is a female General Dentist.

Dr Kirstie joins us from a not so sunny Scotland! When not highland dancing in her kilt, her passion is to create beautiful, natural smiles. Devoted to developing great relationships with her patients, she works hard ...more...

Dr Seerat Sawhney North Brisbane Dental Clinic Wooloowin
General Dentist in Wooloowin

Dr Seerat Sawhney is a female General Dentist  who speaks Hindi (as well as English).

Being a part of the NBDC family since 2018, Seerat is the first of our recruited dental students who has returned to us after completing her Bachelor of Dental Science at The University of Queensland. She knows how we...more...

Miss Brooke Archibald North Brisbane Dental Clinic Wooloowin

Miss Brooke Archibald is a female Oral Health Therapist.

Brooke is one of our friendly hygienists, who is always eager to make your dental experience a great one! She works alongside our dentists to provide preventative dental care to adults and children, with an emphasis o...more...

Ms Sam Xue North Brisbane Dental Clinic Wooloowin

Ms Sam Xue is a female Oral Health Therapist.

Sam is our wonderfully gentle hygienist. She has many years of experience treating children and adults, with a strong focus on patient care and attention to detail. She works to support our dentists in looking after y...more...

Dr Georgia Sheahan North Brisbane Dental Clinic Wooloowin
General Dentist in Wooloowin

Dr Georgia Sheahan is a female General Dentist.

Georgia graduated from the University of Queensland with a Bachelor of Dental Science in 1999. Since then, she has worked in both private and public practice in Brisbane and Northern NSW.

She opened Windsor De...more...