My Smile Dental is a Dentist in Sydenham, VIC with dentists including Dr Samuel Adebajo, Dr Shaun Weng and Dr Carlos Yang.
518 Melton Highway
Sydenham VIC 3037
(03) 9390-9333
(03) 9390-1912
To make an appointment at My Smile Dental, please call (03) 9390-9333
Apart from being an amazing and gentle Dentist Dr. Samuel enjoys producing music and singing.
In his spare time he is also highly involved in running his church ministry for teens.
Dr Samuel dental TikTo...more...
Mimi graduated with a Bachelor of Oral Therapy/Hygiene from Charles Stuart university in 2021.
Mimi has worked in the dental industry since 2012 starting as a dental assistant and working her way into managemen...more...
Dr Shaun Weng is a male General Dentist who speaks Hokkien, Mandarin and Taiwanese (as well as English).
Dr Shaun obtained the degrees Bachelor of Biomedicine and Doctor of Dental Surgery from the University of Melbourne. Graduating Top of his class, he is the recipient of the John Illife Scholarship Prize, the Royal Aus...more...
Dr Carlos Yang is a male General Dentist who speaks Mandarin (as well as English).
Growing up in Singapore, Dr Carlos Yang attended one of the top-ranking high schools and served in the army for two years. He has since relocated to Australia and graduated from James Cook University with several dist...more...
Ms Jennie Isidro is a female Oral Health Therapist who speaks Filipino and Tagalog (as well as English).
Meet Jennie, our dedicated Oral Health Therapist at My Smile Dental. With a strong commitment to patient care and oral health education, Jennie brings years of expertise to our team from starting as a dental assistant...more...