Melbourne Dental Clinic is a Dentist in Carlton, VIC with dentists including Prof Michael McCullough, Dr Patrick Bowman, Dr Richard Harvey and Dr Esperance Kahwagi.
Level 1
723 Swanston Street
Carlton VIC 3010
(03) 9035-8402
(03) 9035-9797
To make an appointment at Melbourne Dental Clinic, please call (03) 9035-8402
Prof Michael McCullough is a male Specialist in Oral Medicine.
Michael McCullough is the Professor in Oral Medicine at the Melbourne Dental School, the University of Melbourne. He is the convener of both the post-graduate, graduate and under-graduate courses in Oral Medicine, is ...more...
Dr Esperance Kahwagi completed her dental education at the University of Melbourne. She has experience in hospital leadership and management, having worked at The Royal Dental Hospital for more than 22 years in the Te...more...