Manuka Dental Care is a Dentist in Manuka, ACT with dentists including Dr Pegah Noorizadeh, Dr Caroline Madsen, Dr Sireesha Nimmagadda, Dr Michael Dennett and Dr Kelvin Tsuei.
29 Flinders Way
Manuka ACT 2603
(02) 6295-6679
(02) 6295-7864
To make an appointment at Manuka Dental Care, please call (02) 6295-6679
Pegah attended the University of Sydney where she received her B.Pharmacy and B.Dental (Hons) degrees with an Australian Dental Association Prize in proficiency in Dental Ethics and Professional Responsibility. Her previ...more...
Dr Caroline Madsen is a female General Dentist who speaks Polish (as well as English).
Growing up in Wollongong, Dr Caroline Piekarz completed a Bachelor of Medical Science at the University of Wollongong in 2001. She then went on to complete a Bachelor of Dental Surgery at the University of Adelaide in...more...
Dr Sireesha Nimmagadda is a female General Dentist who speaks Hindi and Urdu (as well as English).