LiveWire Orthodontics is a Dentist in Ulladulla, NSW with dentists including Dr Guy Farland and Dr Benjamin Gaffey.
67 South Street
Ulladulla NSW 2537
(02) 4454-4154
To make an appointment at LiveWire Orthodontics, please call (02) 4454-4154
Dr Guy Farland is a male Specialist Orthodontist.
Guy received his Bachelor of Dental Surgery with distinction and 3-year specialist Clinical Doctorate in Orthodontics from the University of Otago in New Zealand. He also sat and passed the specialist membership exami...more...
Dr Benjamin Gaffey is a male Specialist Orthodontist.
Born in Nowra in 1978, Dr Benjamin Gaffey can rightly claim that he has the Shoalhaven in his blood. He completed his initial dental training at the University of Adelaide where he received the SAFDER research scholar...more...