Horne Street Dental Group is a Dentist in Sunbury, VIC with dentists including Dr Mohit Dubey and Dr Shayne Hateley.
34 Horne Street
Sunbury VIC 3429
(03) 9740-3588
(03) 9740-5196
To make an appointment at Horne Street Dental Group, please call (03) 9740-3588
Dr Mohit Dubey is a male General Dentist who speaks Hindi (as well as English).
Dr Mohit Dubey graduated as a dentist in the year 2006 and completed his post graduation in Pediatric Dentistry in the year 2009 (BDS, MDS, India). His thesis and clinical case study have been published in highly repu...more...
Ms Nav Chohan is a female Dental Hygienist who speaks Hindi and Punjabi (as well as English).
Navdeep started at Horne Street Dental Group in May 2011 and has over 20 years experience in the dental industry. The Dental Hygienist is a critical part of the dental team and plays an important role in looking after...more...
Ms Zohra Rashidzada is a female Oral Health Therapist who speaks Dari, Hindi and Urdu (as well as English).
Shayne has always been interested in the health field. He chose dentistry as a career because he always wanted to work one on one with people to make a positive difference to their health and wellbeing. Shayne gradua...more...