Healthview Dental is a Dentist in Corio, VIC with dentists including Dr Leonie Teo, Dr Sharmaine Tee and Dr David Yu.
116 Bacchus Marsh Road
Corio VIC 3214
(03) 5275-6688
To make an appointment at Healthview Dental, please call (03) 5275-6688
Dr Leonie Teo is a female General Dentist who speaks Malay and Mandarin (as well as English).
Dr Leonie Teo is a well-known dentist, who has more than 25 years of experience providing general and cosmetic dentistry in Corio, Norlane, Lara and in the Geelong community. Over that time, she has enjoyed looking af...more...
Dr Sharmaine Tee is Dr Leonie Teo's daughter. She grew up in Melbourne, completing some of high school in Geelong. Dr Tee moved to Canada in 2013 to open a clinic with Dr. David Yu but is now back in Australia working...more...
Dr David Yu grew up in Edmonton, Alberta and moved to Australia to study at the University of Adelaide. After graduating with his Dental Surgery Degree he stayed to work as a dentist in rural Australia for several mor...more...