Gill Family Dental is a Dentist in Kempsey, NSW with dentists including Dr Benhur Lingamneni.
23 Smith Street
Kempsey NSW 2440
(02) 6562-4828
To make an appointment at Gill Family Dental, please call (02) 6562-4828
Lindi Gill is a Qualified Dental Therapist with over 23 years' experience in the Dental Business. She completed Dental Therapy Qualifications at Westmead College of Dental Therapy in 2001, a Post Graduate Qualificati...more...
Dr Benhur Lingamneni is a male General Dentist who speaks Hindi (as well as English).
Dr Ben has been in private and public practices in Australia since 2008. Dr Ben is surrounded by energetic and capable staff, who offer the latest advancements in dentistry, with a confident and caring attitude. ben i...more...