Gentle Dental Care is a Dentist in Tahmoor, NSW with dentists including Dr Hanh Nguyen, Dr Saad Al-Mozany, Dr Gary Beaton, Dr Renée Stanton, Dr Mehdi Rahimi, Dr Michael Russo, Dr Neil Macleod, Dr Tania Santilli, Dr Nick Ngo, Dr Maja Stojceska, Dr Chris Costello, Dr Gen Russo, Dr Michael Ishak and Dr Adrian Mazzaferro.
158 Remembrance Drive
Tahmoor NSW 2573
(02) 4681-8384
(02) 4681-8233
To make an appointment at Gentle Dental Care, please call (02) 4681-8384
Dr Saad Al-Mozany is a male Specialist Orthodontist.
Dr Gary Beaton is a male General Dentist who speaks Maltese (as well as English).
Hi! My Name is Renée. Similarly, to my colleagues here at Dental Sanctuary, I too completed a Bachelor degree in Dentistry with Honours from the University of Sydney. Prior to this, I graduated from Medical Science w...more...
Mehdi graduated with a Bachelor in Dental Surgery with distinction from the University of Otago (New Zealand) in 2002 and received his Doctorate of Clinical Dentistry (Endo) degree from the University of Melbourne in 200...more...
Dr Neil joins us from Scotland, where he graduated with a Bachelor of Dental Surgery from the University of Glasgow, UK, collecting the TM Oman prize for dental technology on the way.
He worked in private and p...more...
Dr Tania Santilli is passionate about creating a calm, inviting environment for her patients, allowing them to feel welcome and at ease. She ensures her patients have an understanding of their oral health and receive ...more...
Dr Maja Stojceska is a female General Dentist who speaks Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian and Yugoslav (as well as English).
Dr Gen Russo is a male General Dentist who speaks Italian (as well as English).
Dr Michael Ishak is a male General Dentist who speaks Egyptian (as well as English).
Dr Adrian Mazzaferro is a male General Dentist who speaks Italian (as well as English).
Dr Adrian Mazzaferro was born and raised in Sydney and is of Italian heritage. While knowing enough of the language to get by, he is currently taking night classes in Italian. This has made both his Nonnas extremely h...more...