Dr William Sheldon Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon is a Dentist in Richmond, VIC with dentists including Dr Anna Talacko and Dr William Sheldon.
Suite 6, Level 6, The Epworth Centre
32 Erin Street
Richmond VIC 3121
(03) 9421-6662
(03) 9421-6668
To make an appointment at Dr William Sheldon Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon, please call (03) 9421-6662
Dr Anna Talacko is a female Specialist Oral Pathologist and Specialist in Oral Medicine.
Dr Anna Talacko is a dental graduate of the University of Melbourne (1981). She obtained a Master of Dental Science from the University of Melbourne in Oral Pathology and Oral Medicine in 1988. She then spent one year...more...
Dr William Sheldon is a male Specialist Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon.
William Sheldon is an Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon practising in Melbourne, Australia.
Mr Sheldon completed training in Melbourne in 1990 through the University of Melbourne / Royal Australasian College of De...more...