Burwood Family Dentist is a Dentist in Burwood, NSW with dentists including Dr Judy Ke and Dr Michael Tu.
Shop 35
3 Wilga Street
Burwood NSW 2134
(02) 9744-9798
(02) 8080-8372
To make an appointment at Burwood Family Dentist, please call (02) 9744-9798
Dr Judy Ke is a female General Dentist who speaks Mandarin and Taiwanese (as well as English).
Dr Judy Ke graduated from dental school of Griffith University and is currently a member of ADA (Australian Dental Association). She is very friendly and always makes sure her patients receive best care and high quali...more...
Dr Michael Tu is a male General Dentist who speaks Cantonese, French and Mandarin (as well as English).
Dr Michael Tu has many years of experience as a general practitioner he graduated from Sydney University in 1998. He attends continuing education workshops and seminars to ensure his patients receive the best care. D...more...