Bytes Dental Lismore

Goonellabah DENTIST

Opening Soon · Opens at 9:00 am

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Bytes Dental Lismore is a Dentist in Goonellabah, NSW with dentists including Dr Phillida Noronha, Dr Wendy Nguan, Dr Linda Nguan, Dr Arruni Kandasamy, Dr Hilary Knight and Dr Kim Davies.

Lismore GP Super Clinic
Suite 6/14 Pleasant Street

Goonellabah NSW 2480

(02) 6624-7068


To make an appointment at Bytes Dental Lismore, please call (02) 6624-7068

Facilities for the Disabled

Our practice is wheelchair accessible (i.e. there is a smooth line of travel from the street to the dental chair).

Facilities for the Disabled

Our practice is wheelchair accessible (i.e. there is a smooth line of travel from the street to the dental chair).

The Bytes Dental Lismore team

Dr Phillida Noronha Bytes Dental Lismore Goonellabah
General Dentist in Goonellabah

Dr Phillida Noronha is a female General Dentist.

Dr Phillida Noronha completed her Bachelor’s in Dental Surgery (1995) and further completed Post Graduate study in Periodontics ( 2001) Rajiv Gandhi University, India. She then worked as a general dentist with spec...more...

Dr Wendy Nguan Bytes Dental Lismore Goonellabah
General Dentist in Goonellabah

Dr Wendy Nguan is a female General Dentist  who speaks Malay and Mandarin (as well as English).

Wendy graduated from University of Melbourne in 2013, completing a Bachelor of Dental Science with honours. She has worked in a private practice in Singapore, as well as the Gold Coast before joining the team at Natio...more...

Dr Linda Nguan Bytes Dental Lismore Goonellabah
General Dentist in Goonellabah

Dr Linda Nguan is a female General Dentist  who speaks Malay and Mandarin (as well as English).

Linda graduated from Griffith University in 2011 where she was awarded the Griffith university medal for academic excellence in her dental degree.

Linda has a genuine passion for her career and is dedicated to ...more...

Ms Danette Ryan Bytes Dental Lismore Goonellabah
Dental Therapist in Goonellabah

Ms Danette Ryan is a female Dental Therapist.

Danette Ryan is a Dental Therapist specialising in treating children. She has over 20 year’s experience, providing child friendly, age-appropriate dental treatment for children which gives them lifelong health and c...more...

Dr Arruni Kandasamy Bytes Dental Lismore Goonellabah
General Dentist in Goonellabah

Dr Arruni Kandasamy is a female General Dentist.

Dr Arruni Kandasamy completed her Doctor of Dental Medicine and Bachelor of Oral Health degrees from the Univesity of Sydney, where she was also a recipient of the Professor Noel Martin Memorial Prize in Research.


Dr Hilary Knight Bytes Dental Lismore Goonellabah
General Dentist in Goonellabah

Dr Hilary Knight is a male General Dentist.

Dr Knight has over 40 years experience and is highly competent in all areas of general dentistry. His compassionate nature makes him a very kind dentist.

Dr Kim Davies Bytes Dental Lismore Goonellabah
General Dentist in Goonellabah

Dr Kim Davies is a female General Dentist.

Founding owner of Bytes Dental, Kim has a passion for dentistry and aims to give the best care to each patient. She has skills in dentures, aged care and more complex dentistry involving full mouth rehabilitation.