Advanced Dental Prospects is a Dentist in Prospect, SA with dentists including Dr Angelina Cheung, Dr Theophilos Toumazos and Dr Paul Toumazos.
169 Prospect Road
Prospect SA 5082
(08) 8269-3311
(08) 8344-2966
To make an appointment at Advanced Dental Prospects, please call (08) 8269-3311
Dr Angelina Cheung completed her Bachelor of Dental Surgery at the University of Adelaide in 2003. Since then she has been working in general private practice in metropolitan Adelaide and has also spent time as a Clin...more...
Dr Theophilos Toumazos is a male General Dentist who speaks Greek (as well as English).
Phil has been working at Alpha Dental Care since graduating from The University of Adelaide in 2014. He has a keen interest in all aspects of dentistry and puts particular focus on the patient-centred approach, addressin...more...
Dr Paul Toumazos is a male General Dentist who speaks Greek (as well as English).
Dr Toumazos completed his course of Bachelor of Dental Surgery at the University of Adelaide, in December 1984 and graduated in 1985. He commenced practice in 1985 and bought own private surgery in 1986 at Prospect SA...more...