Dental Vitality is a Dentist in Deakin, ACT with dentists including Dr Sharon Mathai and Dr Thomas Mathai.
Suite A7, Canberra Specialist Centre
161 Strickland Crescent
Deakin ACT 2600
(02) 6295-6983
(02) 6295-6550
To make an appointment at Dental Vitality, please call (02) 6295-6983
Miss Charlie Asher is a female Oral Health Therapist.
Dr Sharon Mathai (BDS) (ADC Melb) has a keen eye for aesthetics fostering a special interest in cosmetic dentistry, Smile design and Whitening. Dr Sharon is enthusiastic in her passion for people and dentistry and her...more...
Dr Thomas Mathai (BDS) (Syd) (FACNEM) is a fellow of the Australasian College of Nutrition and Environmental Medicine. As his qualifications suggest Dr Thomas has a special interest in nutrition and its effects on the...more...