Deakin Dental


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Deakin Dental is a Dentist in Deakin, ACT with dentists including Dr Sarita Atreya.

Unit 9, Deakin Sports Therapy Centre
Cnr Denison and King Street

Deakin ACT 2600

(02) 6282-7711

(02) 6282-7730


To make an appointment at Deakin Dental, please call (02) 6282-7711

The Deakin Dental team

Dr Sarita Atreya Deakin Dental Deakin
General Dentist in Deakin

Dr Sarita Atreya is a female General Dentist  who speaks Hindi (as well as English).

Dr Sarita Atreya is a British born dentist and who has been practising for 22 years, having graduated from the highly regarded Barts & The Royal London Dental Hospital in 1998. In 2002, she attained the Diploma of Mem...more...